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Instructions to submit Papers

a) The paper proposal will be submitted as an abstract. The complete paper must be sent after the approval.

b) All categories of papers (communications, poster presentations and narrative of experiences) must follow the same specifications for the abstracts and complete papers.

c) Each author can only present one paper proposal, including all categories and individual or collective papers.

d) Collective papers must have at most five authors, in any category.

e) Grad students can only be the main authors in the Poster category

Abstract specifications

The text must have no paragraphs, from 400 to 500 words. The proposal must present, in a clear way, the aims, theorical and methodological references (including the sources of the research) as well as the results of the research. It is necessary to remember that the abstract must not include footnotes or bibliographical references.

Specifications for the complete text

The authors of the accepted papers must send the complete text until May 15, 2010. It must have the title in bold capital letters, followed by the complete names of the author(s), institutional identification (University or research/ teaching institution), author(s) e-mail and three keywords. The text must have a minimum of 4.000 and at most 5.000 words, with the objectives, methodology, the proposed issues developed, the results of the research and the bibliographical references. The text must be presented in A4 format, 2,5 cm margins, Times New Roman size 12, paragraph spacing single, justified in both margins. Quotes larger than 4 lines must be dislocated to the left 4 centimeters and characters size 11, with no quotation marks. Footnotes must be at the end of the text. The author(s) must follow the ABNT rule for the bibliographical references.

Official Languages of the congress

Portuguese, French, Spanish and English.

Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa (Auto)biográfica - BIOGRAPH